20 Jul ReferralNet interoperability with Infoxchange Service Seeker
Global Health is pleased to announce the completion of production testing between the Company’s ReferralNet secure messaging platform and Infoxchange’s Service-2-Service (S2S) eReferral network in Victoria.
Founded in Melbourne, Infoxchange is a not-for-profit community organisation with the mission to create social equality and opportunity through digital empowerment of communities. Infoxchange Service Seeker is Australia’s most extensive electronic health, welfare and community services directory, containing over 340,000 service and agency records.
The S2S network is designed to promote inter-agency communication making it simpler to effectively coordinate client care whilst streamlining administrative processes between agencies. The improved communication and collaboration across multiple agencies enables health and community workers to make better informed decisions about client care.
Global Health’s ReferralNet Secure Messaging platform securely manages the exchange of documents such as inbound referrals, progress notes, hospital discharge summaries, pathology and radiology results between healthcare providers. ReferralNet is fully compliant with the government’s Secure Messaging Delivery (SMD) protocols and is designed to support multiple provider directories and multiple secure messaging protocols beyond SMD.
MasterCare Connect is Global Health’s web-based Provider Portal for health professionals to collect, access and securely share patient information from anywhere at any time. MasterCare Connect is certified with the government’s eHealth infrastructure elements such as the myHealth (PCeHR) Record, Health Identifier (HI) Services and a variety of documents such as eReferrals, Discharge Summaries, Event Summaries and Specialist Letters that use industry-standard Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) formats. Through tight integration with ReferralNet, MasterCare Connect out-of-the-box support for (SMD) and other ReferralNet protocols.
Global Health CEO Mathew Cherian says,
“Caring for patients in the community typically involves a wide variety of agencies and service providers, many of whom are not eligible for the Government’s eHealth infrastructure services. Our integration with S2S will significantly expand the reach of secure messaging to achieve the productivity gains from digital connectivity. The key benefit for people is the ability to ‘tell your story once’ and have your team of carers working with you to keep you healthy and well.
Our initial production deployment will be focussed on Victoria with New South Wales interoperability planned within the next six months.”
For more information:
Mathew Cherian
Chief Executive Officer
Global Health Limited
T: 61 3 9675 0688