02 Jun The ACT government will allocate $40 million to improve hospital capacity over the next 4 years
On 25 May 2015, the ACT government announced $40.6 million boost in funding over the next four years. It will improve hospital capacity so staff can keep up with the increase in demand for hospital services (4% in 2014-2015 compared to the previous year). This will reduce pressure on the ACT’s public hospitals said Health Minister Simon Corbell in The Sydney Morning Herald.
The funding will add 18 new public hospital beds at Canberra and Calvary hospitals. The ACT government will also allocate $300,000 to look at options for more beds at Calvary Hospital as well as the expansion of their pharmacy and pathology areas. To further ease the pressure for more hospital beds, they’ll also be allocating the Hospital in the Home program with funding for an extra six places.
The pre-budget announcement sets health spending as a major priority for next year’s budget, but Mr Corbell warned the ACT would not be able to absorb the recent federal cuts.
“As the new health minister, I’m very keen to make sure we continue to provide excellent services, that we improve access, that we drive down waiting times and that we continue to invest in health infrastructure,” he said in The Sydney Morning Herald.
ACT hospital’s partnership with Global Health since 2002
Global Health’s mental health clinical system, MasterCare MHAGIC, is used state-wide in both public and private ACT hospitals. Over 500 users access the system each day, and with the government’s commitment to support programs to improve mental health care for Australians, MHAGIC continues to generate major interest from the public and private sector.
Click here to find out more about MasterCare MHAGIC, the most comprehensive mental health software in Australia.
Global Health also provides MasterCare ePAS, a powerful hospital information system now available on the cloud.